We're so excited to announce that we are teaming up with our friends at the record store Vinyl Remains to host a Pop Up Art Boutique here in our new home of Mt Lebanon, PA, just on the outskirts of Pittsburgh. For the next 3 months only, we’ll be hosting a series of guest artists. It's been years since we had our own store front gallery space in Brooklyn, and we feel grateful now to be able to celebrate some of our friends and peers, and share their creations with you. Only two shows left!
Lori Nelson : April 4
Mike Egan : April 18
The Cotton Candy Machine Art Boutique Pop Up Shop • 690 Washington Rd. Mt Lebanon, PA 15228
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Archival Pigment Print
Legacy Etching Cotton Fibre
17" x 22"
Edition of 200
Signed and Numbered
We are proud to present our newest archival fine art edition from an oil painting by Tara McPherson. This painting was originally exhibited at Iguapop Gallery in Barcelona for Tara McPherson’s solo exhibition entitled ‘Silent Heroes’, featuring these cute lil’ space creatures, otherwise known as Lil’ Heroes. This painting is inspired in part by Star Trek’s ‘The Troubles With Tribbles’ episode. Printed in house right here at The Cotton Candy Machine studio.
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Archival Pigment Print
Velvet Cotton Rag
Open Edition
8.5" x 11"
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Archival Pigment Print
Velvet Cotton Rag
Open Edition
8.5" x 11"
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Archival Pigment Print
Velvet Cotton Rag
Open Edition
8.5" x 11"
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Archival Pigment Print
Velvet Cotton Rag
Open Edition
8.5" x 11"
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Tara McPherson
Impressão de pigmento UV
Papel holográfico arco-íris
c/ Verniz Spot
24" x 24"
Edição de 100
Assinado e Numerado
Esta edição impressa muito especial em lindo papel holográfico arco-íris é única. Conforme você se move pela estampa, as cores dançam e ondulam diante de seus olhos!
Electric Lola está cercada por gotas inebriantes de energia elétrica. Inspirada nos anos 80, na música dançante e nas cores vibrantes, Lola, nossa musa, está pronta para dançar a noite toda cercada por nuvens rosa e gotas eletrificadas... Mas não chegue muito perto, seu toque é força bruta!